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Morrow Sodali Corporate News & Events


03 March 2018 • Articles

Quando il ceo è inossidabile, Milano Finanza

Long-lived managers: who are they and why institutional investors like them

01 February 2018 • Interviews

Activist Insight

Investors seek more insight into boardrooms: survey

28 November 2017 • Articles

Listed@ASX - Asutralia

The third way

10 November 2017 • Articles

Remunerazione vertici, che cosa succede nelle assemblee delle quotate in Europa - Formiche, Italy

Executive remuneration landscape in Europe

10 July 2017 • Articles

Proxy advisors: un seguimento riguroso de los Consejos - Consejeros, Spain

Proxy Advisors: A rigorous monitoring of the Board of Directors

27 June 2017 • Interviews

Paul De Nicola - PWC, USA

What's Trending In Corporate Governance Today?

14 April 2017 • Articles

Comp Directors face heightened investor scrutiny - Agenda Week, US

Investors demand greater rigor and simplification in pay structures

13 March 2017 • Articles

Tesoro, attento alle nomine. I fondi pesano come te - L'Economia, Italy

Boards' renewals: international funds and the Ministry of Finance have now the same weight

01 March 2017 • Articles

Corporate governance is no longer just about the Annual Meeting


27 February 2017 • Articles

Piazza Affari, quando i fondi alzano la voce - MAG, Italy

Boards' renewals: increased participation of minority shareholders is the new trend

15 February 2017 • Articles

Blackrock scrive al mercato. Ecco le linee guida su remunerazione e corporate governance, Formiche - Italy

Executive remuneration and corporate governance at the core of Blackrock's letters to CEOs and chairmen

22 January 2017 • Articles

Alerion, la dura battaglia per l’energia eolica tra francesi, italiani e altoatesini - Business Insider, Italy

Morrow Sodali acts as proxy solicitor in Alerion Clean Power Extraordinary General Meeting

10 January 2017 • Articles

Salaires des patrons : les entreprises préparent Sapin II - Les Echos, France

Executive compensation: French companies get ready for Sapin II law

02 December 2016 • Articles

Striking a balance between companies, shareholders - The Korea Times, South Korea

Board of Directors should strike a balance between companies and shareholders

21 November 2016 • Articles

Client Memorandum 2017 - John Wilcox, Morrow Sodali

A new role for the annual Board Evaluation

21 November 2016 • Articles

Capi superpagati? Arriva la formula Sec - CorrierEconomia, Italy

CEO and workers remuneration

21 November 2016 • Interviews

Chaebol negligence on governance creates value discount - The Investor, South Korea

Corporate Governance of South Korean chaebol

05 October 2016 • Articles

Referendum, investitori e inchieste è già partita la battaglia delle nomine, Repubblica Affari & Finanza - Italy

Italian referendum on constitutional reform and expiring Board of Directors

17 September 2016 • Articles

I’m alright, Jack: worker representation on boards, Compliance Week - UK

Worker representation on UK boards

08 September 2016 • Articles

Worker and Consumer Representation on Boards - Which Route should the UK Take? - International Banker, UK

Board Diversity: consumer and employees on Boards

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