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Our Advisory Services

Morrow Sodali has assembled a comprehensive set of integrated services that cover every aspect of corporate governance, shareholder communication and engagement. Our combination of local expertise and global perspective helps companies in different markets anticipate and respond appropriately to issues that are of concern to investors in their capacity as fiduciaries and long-term owners. Our services complement and work in tandem with our clients’ financial communications, investor relations and board evaluation programs. We add value by enabling clients to identify and engage with key institutional decision-makers who are responsible for voting shares and monitoring the governance of portfolio companies.

For every publicly traded company, the Annual Corporate Cycle gives rise to a cycle sequence of obligations that center on financial reporting and the annual shareholder meeting. Allowing for differences in local regulatory requirements, these obligations now include corporate governance, environmental practices, social policy (ESG), board accountability, sustainability and other long-term issues of concern to a broad base of stakeholders as well as shareholders and the investing public. This chart illustrates how Morrow Sodali’s integrated services – ESG advisory, analytics and consulting, ownership profiling, capital markets intelligence, proxy solicitation, transactional services, investor communication and activism preparedness – provide the comprehensive data, expertise, execution capabilities and support that companies and boards need at every stage of the Annual Corporate Cycle.

Morrow Sodali works directly with corporate and organization boards. As board composition and effectiveness are issues high on the list of shareholder concerns, corporate boards increasingly turn to Morrow Sodali for insights about investor attitudes and for assistance in communicating board policies on issues such as succession planning, human capital management, board evaluation, gender diversity, compensation, social policy, the environment and sustainability. Here again, Morrow Sodali’s mix of comprehensive advisory, intelligence and transactional services gives us a unique ability to help boards proactively manage their relations with stakeholders.

Morrow Sodali’s program of shareholder monitoring, market surveillance and strategic analysis is designed to help companies understand who owns their stock, track significant market movements and analyze the implications of ownership changes with respect to corporate policies and vulnerability to activism. Morrow Sodali’s teams of global stock surveillance experts use proprietary data and technology to monitor market activity continuously throughout the day and analyze its impact in real time.

The Morrow Sodali corporate communications practice works in concert with the businesses’ other disciplines to provide experienced counsel and guidance to a range of clients across both listed and private entities.

Morrow Sodali provides Strategic Corporate Governance Advisory Services to help companies and organizations around the world evaluate their corporate governance. In addition to listed companies, we serve financial institutions, development finance institutions and policy makers, family businesses, private companies, state-controlled companies, not-for-profit organizations, as well as SMEs and fast-growing companies. For listed companies our advice enables them to understand shareholder expectations, prepare for shareholder meetings, engage and communicate effectively with owners and monitor relevant Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) trends, thereby maintaining positive relations with their owners and reducing their vulnerability to activism.

We have established a leading practice supporting clients in responding to events outside of the course of ordinary business that have the potential to negatively impact market perception and/or company value.

As part of its global Corporate Governance Advisory Services offering, Morrow Sodali provides bespoke Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Advisory Services to help companies manage shareholders’ expectations on ESG risks, opportunities and disclosures. Morrow Sodali notably helps clients benchmark their ESG disclosure, with reference to their institutional shareholder base and advise on best ESG practice including how to engage effectively with investors on key topics.

Morrow Sodali provides services to corporate and sovereign bond issuers whenever they require support from bondholders. Our ability to identify bondholders, gather market intelligence, organize a global communication campaign and gather and display real-time bondholder instructions across multiple clearing systems through our proprietary BondWatch platform, are critical to achieving required levels of support in transactions that involve fixed-income securities.

Strategic creative solutions that enhance engagement and build competitive advantage, today and into the future.

Morrow Sodali offers comprehensive investor relations support to companies across all sectors and stages of development, from private growth companies to large multinationals.

Morrow Sodali’s successful track record demonstrates the effectiveness of its integrated global services offering for high-profile M&A transactions and other corporate actions. When the firm assists with tender and exchange offers, mergers, reorganizations, SPAC (Special Purpose Acquisition Company) campaigns, class action settlements and cross-border transactions, it can draw upon its full range of services, local expertise and global reach to develop a strategic plan and execute an effective campaign to maximize shareholder support.

Morrow Sodali’s mix of advisory, intelligence and transactional services enables the firm to bring together all the expertise, data, technology and resources needed to help companies respond effectively to extraordinary challenges such as shareholder activism, takeovers and proxy contests. Morrow Sodali assembles internal teams of executives to coordinate the firm’s global expertise and capabilities. Morrow Sodali assesses the client company’s vulnerability, analyzes its ownership base, monitors trading activity, organizes a strategic response and provides logistical support for communications, engagement and vote solicitation. Morrow Sodali is a key player in a company’s crisis response team together with its board, executive management and other outside advisors. The firm’s ability to act as a single source of shareholder-related services has proven to be critical for a successful outcome in many situations.

Morrow Sodali provides comprehensive services to help companies around the world prepare, organize and conduct successful shareholder meetings and achieve maximum voting support from their owners. The firm’s proxy service teams combine local and cross-border expertise to (i) manage all aspects of meeting mechanics, (ii) reach both local and global investors, (iii) retrieve valuable data and (iv) ensure that shareholders’ voting instructions are included in the final tabulation. Morrow Sodali’s post-meeting reports include relevant data, trends and lessons learned during the solicitation. Client companies often combine Morrow Sodali’s Corporate Governance and Market Intelligence services with its Proxy Services to achieve maximum effectiveness.

Effective managers of change need access to the best information available. Sometimes that information is apparent, but more often it lies hidden in the form of people’s opinions.

Morrow Sodali’s core Strategic Corporate Governance Advisory, Proxy Solicitation and deal-based services are applicable to a variety of special situations. The firm also provides specific professional services for such situations.

Morrow Sodali Fund Solutions, formerly Di Costa Partners, is the market leader in governance, proxy advisory and solicitation services for Registered Funds including Mutual Funds, ETFs and Closed-End Funds. Discover our insights through our View on the News series

Morrow Sodali provides comprehensive SPAC (Special Purpose Acquisition Company) services to help companies successfully complete a SPAC business combination/merger and post-SPAC services to navigate the landscape as a newly public company. Our full-service SPAC Advisory team helps clients prepare for and execute the SPAC business combination through Shareholder Identification and Proxy Solicitation services. We help clients navigate the complex regulatory requirements necessary to bring a deal to completion. And upon completion of a SPAC merger, Morrow Sodali helps clients best position themselves for ongoing shareholder support.

Morrow Sodali offers a comprehensive range of services designed to meet your strategic communication needs. In today’s dynamic business environment, effective communication is paramount, and our expertise extends across various domains. Whether it’s Financial Communications, Sustainability and ESG Communications, Multi-Stakeholder Communications, Political Affairs, or Crisis & Issues Management, we invite you to entrust us as your partner in crafting and delivering impactful communications.

Morrow Sodali offers specialized advisory services to companies on complex communication requirements around corporate transactions.

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