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Morrow Sodali Corporate News & Events


21 November 2016 • Articles

Capi superpagati? Arriva la formula Sec - CorrierEconomia, Italy

CEO and workers remuneration

21 November 2016 • Articles

Gli hedge? A Milano - Milano Finanza, Italy

Are hedge funds looking at the Italian market?

21 November 2016 • Articles

IR Magazine, United Kingdom

UK Governance overhaul call

21 November 2016 • Interviews

Chaebol negligence on governance creates value discount - The Investor, South Korea

Corporate Governance of South Korean chaebol

21 November 2016 • Articles

Milano, Verona e quel nocciolino duro che ancora non c'è - Corriereconomia, Italy

The birth of Banco BPM, from cooperative bank to SpA

17 September 2016 • Articles

I’m alright, Jack: worker representation on boards, Compliance Week - UK

Worker representation on UK boards

08 September 2016 • Articles

Worker and Consumer Representation on Boards - Which Route should the UK Take? - International Banker, UK

Board Diversity: consumer and employees on Boards

05 September 2016 • Articles

Eni, Unicredit, Intesa. Cosa è successo nelle assemblee sulle politiche di remunerazione, Formiche - Italy

2016 Proxy Season in Italy: news about remuneration

05 September 2016 • Articles

Activist Insight Monthly, Europe

Activism in Italy

29 August 2016 • Articles

Piazza Affari, I fondi nuovi arbitri dei riassetti - Il Sole 24 Ore, Italy

Funds new arbitrators in Italian rearrangements

29 August 2016 • Articles

Come cambierà la corporate governance delle quotate inglesi con Theresa May - Formiche, Italy

Theresa May's Corporate Governance reforms: what is going to change in UK?

19 July 2016 • Articles

The balance of risk and reward - HR Director, UK

HR Directors and compensation packages definition

13 July 2016 • Articles

More accountability expected from with Theresa May’s corporate governance reforms, Financial Directors - UK

Theresa May's Corporate Governance reforms in UK

11 July 2016 • Articles

Chi sta succedendo? Milano Finanza - Italy

Succession planning, who will come next?

06 July 2016 • Articles

Unicredit, Telecom, Assicurazioni Generali. Chi ha (e chi non ha) piani di successione - Formiche - Italy

Succession planning process: Unicredit, Telecom, Assicurazioni Generali

03 July 2016 • Articles

Agli esami di settembre, Milano Finanza-Italy

Cooperative banks to become SpA by December 2016

03 July 2016 • Articles

IR communications post-Brexit, IR Magazine, UK

IR communications post-Brexit

17 June 2016 • Articles

Il Ftse Mib all’esame dell’Integrated Governance - Press Release, Italy

Integrated Governance in FTSE Mib

10 June 2016 • Interviews

Coming to America: An interview with John Wilcox - IR Magazine

Morrow Sodali: corporate governance, what’s next

10 June 2016 • Articles

Il Salotto di Piazza Affari tra conferme e licenziamenti: il lento ricambio dei manager, Repubblica Affari & Finanza, Italy

FTSE Mib companies: succession planning for top managers

31 May 2016 • Articles

Unicredit, Telecom, Prysmian. Chi premia di più dipendenti e manager, Formiche, Italy

Stock Option plans: Unicredit, Telecom, Prysmian award employees and managers

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