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Morrow Sodali Corporate News & Events


29 April 2020 • Articles

CorpComms Magazine


12 February 2018 • Articles


Board effectiveness, the focus of investors

09 February 2017 • Articles

Banche, così l'instabilità allontana i soci stabili, Il Sole 24 Ore - Italy

Italian Banks: market instability has reduced the weight of core shareholders

10 January 2017 • Articles

Salaires des patrons : les entreprises préparent Sapin II - Les Echos, France

Executive compensation: French companies get ready for Sapin II law

21 November 2016 • Articles

Capi superpagati? Arriva la formula Sec - CorrierEconomia, Italy

CEO and workers remuneration

21 November 2016 • Articles

Milano, Verona e quel nocciolino duro che ancora non c'è - Corriereconomia, Italy

The birth of Banco BPM, from cooperative bank to SpA

05 October 2016 • Articles

Referendum, investitori e inchieste è già partita la battaglia delle nomine, Repubblica Affari & Finanza - Italy

Italian referendum on constitutional reform and expiring Board of Directors

08 September 2016 • Articles

Worker and Consumer Representation on Boards - Which Route should the UK Take? - International Banker, UK

Board Diversity: consumer and employees on Boards

29 August 2016 • Articles

Come cambierà la corporate governance delle quotate inglesi con Theresa May - Formiche, Italy

Theresa May's Corporate Governance reforms: what is going to change in UK?

13 July 2016 • Articles

More accountability expected from with Theresa May’s corporate governance reforms, Financial Directors - UK

Theresa May's Corporate Governance reforms in UK

03 July 2016 • Articles

IR communications post-Brexit, IR Magazine, UK

IR communications post-Brexit

03 July 2016 • Articles

Agli esami di settembre, Milano Finanza-Italy

Cooperative banks to become SpA by December 2016

10 June 2016 • Interviews

Coming to America: An interview with John Wilcox - IR Magazine

Morrow Sodali: corporate governance, what’s next

06 May 2016 • Articles

Il lungo viaggio (non finito) verso la governance monistica, Repubblica Affari & Finanza, Italy

Corporate Governance models: Intesa and the monistic system

29 February 2016 • Articles

Il Sole 24 Ore, Italy

Intesa Sanpaolo vara il super CdA

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