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06 April 2023 • Articles

Sustainable Investment

Social capital: Measuring what matters


ESG Governance

In this article published by Sustainable Investment, Morrow Sodali's Alison Owers, Head of UK, and Jana Jevcakova, Head of ESG, share their views on how to measure what matters when it comes to social capital. 

2023 promises to be the year that 'S' will firmly take its place at the table alongside 'E' and 'G' as business leaders respond to growing pressure to get more savvy about social value creation strategies. The increased interest in social impact is coming from all directions. Measuring the true extent of a company's social impact is hard. But it is not enough to put policies in place and measure them one-dimensionally. Companies need to be able to interpret the impact on the business and create a strategy in response. Social impact must move from being a risk mitigation strategy to a value creation one and to do that, corporates need to move on from measuring what is easy and focus on measuring what really matters. 

Click here to read the article in full (sign-up required).

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