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Morrow Sodali Corporate News & Events


20 March 2017 • Articles

Superstipendi dei manager, gli azionisti vogliono una stretta - Affari & Finanza, Italy

Shareholders ask for a squeeze in executive remuneration

13 March 2017 • Articles

Tesoro, attento alle nomine. I fondi pesano come te - L'Economia, Italy

Boards' renewals: international funds and the Ministry of Finance have now the same weight

13 March 2017 • Articles

Los fondos presionan para mejorar el buen gobierno - Expansion, Spain

Funds pressure to enhance good governance - Expansion on Morrow Sodali's Institutional Investor Survey

12 March 2017 • Articles

Another shareholder spring? Execs, companies and institutional investors under pressure ahead of AGM season - City AM, UK

Annual General Meeting season: executive pay to be top of the agenda

09 March 2017 • Articles

Poor financial performance key driver for investor support for UK activist campaigns - IR Magazine, UK

Executive pay is expected to dominate the agendas ahead of the Annual meeting season

06 March 2017 • Articles

Revolts over rewards - The Times, UK

Institutional Investor Survey 2017 and Executive Pay

01 March 2017 • Articles

Corporate governance is no longer just about the Annual Meeting


01 March 2017 • Articles

Les gérants d’actifs sont prêts à écouter les activistes - Les Echos, France

Asset managers are ready to listen to activists

27 February 2017 • Articles

Piazza Affari, quando i fondi alzano la voce - MAG, Italy

Boards' renewals: increased participation of minority shareholders is the new trend

25 February 2017 • Articles

Dipendenti? No, soci - Milano Finanza, Italy

European Shareholder Rights Directive calls for enhanced transparency on remuneration policies

15 February 2017 • Articles

Blackrock scrive al mercato. Ecco le linee guida su remunerazione e corporate governance, Formiche - Italy

Executive remuneration and corporate governance at the core of Blackrock's letters to CEOs and chairmen

14 February 2017 • Articles

Prysmian, un dipendente su due è socio. E ci guadagna anche (fino al 100%) - Corriere della Sera, Italy

Prysmian long-term incentive plans for employees

11 February 2017 • Articles

Gli azionisti bocciano gli stipendi dei manager italiani - Business Insider Italia, Italy

Executive pay: shareholders ask for more transparency and clearer objectives

09 February 2017 • Articles

Banche, così l'instabilità allontana i soci stabili, Il Sole 24 Ore - Italy

Italian Banks: market instability has reduced the weight of core shareholders

03 February 2017 • Articles

Morrow Sodali

Surge Components, Inc. Tender Offer

01 February 2017 • Articles

Morrow Sodali

ONEOK, Inc. and ONEOK Partners, L.P. Merger

22 January 2017 • Articles

Alerion, la dura battaglia per l’energia eolica tra francesi, italiani e altoatesini - Business Insider, Italy

Morrow Sodali acts as proxy solicitor in Alerion Clean Power Extraordinary General Meeting

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